
Chinese School Bern is going to hold a FORMAL CCCC Test on Saturday 23. March 2013. In this

test takers who correctly answer 60% of the test questions or above will be
awarded a
certificate. (The test cost approx. 35sFr.)

以下為本測驗的意涵和概況說明:Following is a short description of the idea and concept about CCCC test.

    臺灣國家華語測驗推動工作委員會邀集華語文教學、語言學、兒童心理學與教育學等領域的專家學者,研發一套適合七至十二歲母語非華語兒童的華語能力檢定,定名為「兒童華語文能力測驗」(簡稱CCCCChildren’s Chinese Competency Certification),以幫助學習華語的外籍兒童了解自己的華語程度、激勵他們學習華語的熱忱。To serve the growing population of young Chinese learners all over the world , the Children’s Chinese Competency Certification (CCCC) is developed for non-native Chinese learners of ages 7-12. The system assesses the Chinese proficiency of the young learners and hopefully encourages the interest and motivation for further Chinese study.


The test content covers assorted life experiences of children, including daily and leisure activities, traffic and transportation, people, body and health, school life, time and space, and weather and climate. The test material is taken from a wide range of authentic situations and is full of variety.


測驗等級說明如下 / Test Levels as follows

等級 / Levels

建議學時 /Suggested Learning Hours

詞彙量 / Suggested Vocabulary

萌芽級 Sprouting

150個學習時數 / hrs Chinese training

400個詞彙量 Chinese lexical items

成長級 Seeding

300個學習時數 / hrs Chinese training

700個詞彙量 Chinese lexical items

茁壯級 Blossoming

450個學習時數 / hrs Chinese training

1100個詞彙量 Chinese lexical items


若您想要了解更多有關於兒童華語文測驗(CCCC)的事項, 請您至

網站連結More information about CCCC, please go to website

    創作者 伯恩區中文學校 的頭像

    瑞士伯恩區中文學校 Chinesische Schule Bern

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